jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017


Resultado de imagen para imagenes de welcome con movimiento




Under the name of
protists is grouped the kingdom of simpler eukaryotic organisms that, by whose characteristics, can not be grouped under any of the three classical kingdoms (fungi, animalia, plantae) of eukaryotes. This is because, despite sometimes resembling one or the other, they are neither vegetables nor animals nor fungi. It is a very varied kingdom whose members often have very little in common, except for the simplicity of their cellular organization, the majority being unicellular organisms; apart they stand out for being unable to generate any specialized fabric. Even so, they present an enormous complexity, since they need to be self-sufficient to survive.

characteristics of the organs of the prohibition

it is a very diverse kingdom. the only thing
protists often have in common is that they are not animals,they are not plants,they are not fungi and
many are unicellular.
1.although most protist organisms are unicellular ,others are multicellular without specialized tissue and no cell differentiation.
2.their nuclei are surrounded by a nuclear membrane.
3.some protist form colonies, but are not organized
in such a way that they form tissues.
4. many protists are aquatic organisms.
5. they can repudece sexually or asexully by
gametesor binary fission
6. manyfest movements

What Is Kingdom Protista?

Imagine you are cleaning or organizing around your house. To assist in this process, you separate your items into categories to help you locate them later. Maybe you have a box for books, a drawer for school supplies, and a cubby for electronics. You start to realize, however, that you have a bunch of extra bits and pieces that do not fit into any of your other groups. So, you create a special container for them: your 'other' container. This is pretty much what happened with Kingdom Protista.
All the life on planet Earth is organized into five kingdoms based on whether or not the organism is single-celled, how it obtains energy, and how (or if) it moves. Kingdom Protista is the hodge-podge category. It contains the protists, or the organisms that do not fit into any of the other categories.

Characteristics of Protists 

Protists are eukaryotic organisms that cannot be classified as a plant, animal, or fungus. They are mostly unicellular, but some, like algae, are multicellular. Kelp, or 'seaweed,' is a large multicellular protist that provides food, shelter, and oxygen for numerous underwater ecosystems. Even though kelp resembles a plant, it is not classified into Kingdom Plantae because it lacks the cellular complexity of plant cells.
Protists can be heterotrophic, which means they obtain the energy they need to live by consuming other organisms. Or, they can be autotrophic, which means they obtain energy from the environment through photosynthesis, the process of capturing light energy and storing it in carbohydrates.
Protists primarily live in water, though some live in moist soil. They can be found almost anywhere on Earth where there is liquid water, even in humans

Resultado de imagen para PROTIST KINGDOM

Resultado de imagen para PROTIST KINGDOM

All living organisms can be broadly divided into two groups
prokaryotes and eukaryotes,which are distinguished by the
relative complexity of their cells.In contrast to prokaryotic
cells,eukaryotic cell are highly organized.

Like all eukaryotic cells,those of protists have a characteristic
central compartment called the nucleus,which houses their
genetic  material.They also have specialized cellular 
machinery called organelles that execute defined functions
whithin the cell most protists have mitochondria ,the organelle which generates energy for cells to use.
They use an organelle called the hydrogenosome (which is a
greatly modified version of mitochondria) for some of their 
energy production.For example,the sexually transmitted
parasite Trichomonas vaginalis,which infects the human
vagina and causes trichomoniasis ,contains hydrogenosomes.

Protists gain nutrition in a number of ways.According to simpson,protists can be photosynthetic  or heterotrophs
(organisms that seek outside sources of food in the form 
of organic material).

most protists reproduce primarily through asexual mechanisms according to simpson.This can include binary
fission,where a parent cell splits into two identical cells or 
multiple fission, where the parent cell  gives rise to multiple 
identical cells.

• Analyze the main characteristics of bacteria, their benefits and prejudices.

• Describe the forms of reproduction in the protist kingdom.

• Differentiate prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.

• Know and enrich our learning through this wonderful protist kingdom.

• Compare and differentiate the protist kingdom from the other kingdoms of nature.
Descripción: Resultado de imagen para imagenes reino protista  animadas

1 comentario:

  1. Very good team work. there is evidence of dedication at the time of his exhibition, although there is no work in pronunciation, there is no evidence of home care.
    teacher margie
